
You are important – and it’s important to take time out just for you. When your world is right, everything else is! When you board a plane, you are reminded that in an emergency you need to put on your own oxygen mask before you assist children or others in need. The simple message is to consider yourself (in an unselfish way), and in turn you can help others around you. It makes perfect sense to fill your lungs with oxygen and energy, so you can then move forward and help those around you. When you discover that living at your best gives you the greatest capacity to give to others, it allows you to make the greatest difference. This comes through times of pausing and reflecting on your highs and lows and your wins and your losses. 

Our lives are often busy with long working hours, family commitments and social time demands. Our attention is stretched thinly across the day and it often means there is nothing left for us at day’s end. 

We may need to take the time to stop and reflect on our lives, our hearts and the things that are most important to us, and ask, what is going on well in our hearts and businesses, what needs to change, what could we do better and what will we do next time? 

All the answers come through having times of reflection. 

- An excerpt from Business from the Heart

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